Design Cool

Design Cool

Design Cool featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



SpaceV is a digitally enabled space vending system for future wellbeing. It offers a variety of customizable spaces via a vending system for individuals to book by the minutes. The design celebrates qualities of automation, modularity and scalability of vending machines and merges spatial, interaction and service design into a holistic physicals experience. High polish 3D visualizations are used to storyteller the human-centered experience. This experience blueprint for future wellbeing in the city leverages the vending system and speculates: what if a vending machine becomes a building?

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ReCollection is an AI art experience that synthesizes personal memories based on users' language input, blurring the boundaries between remembrance and imagination through AI system design and experimental visualization. ReCollection transforms participants' voice input of fragmented stories into an evolving artistic visualization. Beyond its potential as a future therapeutic prototype for dementia groups, this work provides new possibilities for collective memories and cultural reproduction.

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Helpmet is a smart health monitoring helmet specifically designed for construction workers, aimed at ensuring their safety while working in hot weather conditions and preventing heatstroke from posing risks to their health. The helmet's warning function allows surrounding coworkers and supervisors to be informed about the wearer's condition. Combined with the app, it not only helps workers understand their physical condition but also provides recommendations based on their condition to help alleviate symptoms of heatstroke.

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Seniors Keeper

Senior Keeper is a smart door lock connected with vital signs sensing devices, such as smartwatches. When the elderly encounter an emergency at home, it will emit a red light, project fonts for help, notify emergency contacts, and automatically open the door. When neighbours or rescuers find out, they can ask the elderly about their condition through the microphone on the door lock, and the elderly can answer remotely using the door lock's speaker. Finally, the rescuer can decide whether to enter the door to give help according to the specific situation.

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Journey Mate

Journey Mate is a smart modular backpack which can enrich travel experiences. The innovations of this product are presented as follows. First, the modular structure can offer convenient feelings, which can be stored and carried easily all day long. Second, the interactive visualized sound provides travelers with a pleasure and memory experience via their visual-auditory interaction. Third, supported by the intellectual technology, the module keeps the real human elements of the travelled city, that enrich the quality of individuals travel life via voice library and world footprint library.

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The topic of project is the design of hyper-technological elements in 21st century cars. The tasks in the research are to solve the possible problems in the shaping and offer hyper-technological solutions in its interior and exterior. Regarding the exterior of the car, a smooth line is sought, while creating aggression and stability on the road, is also deliberately smoother and wraps around all elements of the car's shell. It is made with concept auxetic material which is corresponding with the three modes of interior.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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